Dear Moms:
Have any of you ever felt inadequate? Lately, I have. I am certain that it is not one thing that is making me feel this way, but it is certainly many. I think there are far too many things that I am doing and taking on that I am not feeling like a good Mom lately. My patience level has plumeted, which it should be on the rise daily, as I take care of a toddler! My little Peanut has also gone through many changes and is doing a far better job than I am. Why are children so much better at things in which we are supposed to have more experience? It's pretty amazing; she's pretty amazing! Maybe it is a lesson I should learn from her... We shall see. But for now, I will try to find the most positive aspect in all situations and learn to listen better, as this is clearly what Peanut needs (as evidenced by the increase in crying/whining).
With more to come...
Oh doll...I think we all feel inadequate at times, especially those times when our patience is close to non-existent! I know you and you are MORE than adequate of a mom. You’re a fantastic mother and Anna is so lucky to have you. xoxo